Corporate Trainings

Since the last few years achieving ‘Work life balance’ is a key word in the IT industry and especially in the life of female employees. From 2020 to till date this issue has become crucial as ‘work from home’ (WFH) culture is growing everywhere. Work-life balance is, in simple terms, the act of separating one’s work life from their personal life and WFH has brought disruption in the definition. Today most employees can’t avoid this encroachment. The only solution is learning to achieve it with a few new techniques and methods. 

Hence, taking this view into consideration, BKWSRC’s Dilasa counselling cell has designed a series of short sessions for female staff members, where they can get a platform to express themselves freely and also they can get some inputs on following issues

  1. achieving work life balance
  2. overcoming unknown fears and worries
  3. handling day to day life stressors 
  4. coping up strategies for major happenings in life. 

Structure and Technical details of the session 

  1. Nature of the sessions – preferably Offline sessions 
  2. Duration of each session – Three Hours  
  3. Group size – 40 to 50 participants 

 The list of Topics 

  1.  Mental space management – Our mind is normally occupied with many unnecessary things. This session will help the person to learn to detach from negative and time-consuming thoughts to get the idea of Work – Life Balance
  2. Reaction vs. response – Many of us react quickly to various phenomena of life; that add different worries and tensions. This session helps the person to respond thoughtfully to the session. 
  3. How to ‘let go’ & Positive self-talk – We are often fond of memories and even those memories which are troublesome. This session helps the person to deal with all sorts of memories and improve positive self-talk 
  4. Emotional and Social intelligence – Our social connections are our real assets. Everyone may or may not be able to develop a good network. This session helps the person to improve on expressions and develop few social, interpersonal skills. 
  5. FOMO & FOBO Vs. Happiness Index – Who is happy in this world? The one who gets many things? Or who doesn’t desire many things? There is a difference between a want and a desire. This session explains two phenomena of life – feeling of missing out and feeling of a better option to increase happiness index.
  6. How to handle Anxiety and Fear – Connection between mind and brain, Affective – Behavioural and Cognitive components of Human brain, how we learn to be anxious, how we learn different fears, conditioning of mind, various methods to handle anxiety and fear 
  7. Developing the right attitude towards work – what are attitudes, how attitudes are developed, various dimensions of attitudes, positive and negative attitudes, what is the right attitude? How can attitudes be changed?
  8. Time management – what is the concept of time? Where we waste our time, four quadrants of urgent and important tasks, big rocks of life, how to decide priorities, learning to say no, how to plan effectively
  9. Team building and team dynamics – why team? team building exercises for team cohesiveness, games or tasks of team building
  10. Increasing Neurological health – what is neurology, developmental psychology, changes at and after 40s in brain functioning, neurological degeneration, planning for old age, how to maintain neurological health