Gender studies

The field of gender studies emerged from the pressing need to address the issues emerging in everyday life due to the gendered nature of policies in all walks of life; giving birth to social and economic inequalities. Gender studies provide an insight about what makes us male, female, transgender or intersex. It makes us understand why these categories matter and how to engage with them meaningfully in an inclusive society.

Imbibing the approach of gender reciprocity among the younger generation will help them understand the true meaning of gender equality; thus, eliminating misconceptions about opportunities, rights and justice.  Sensitizing students will also help them enter the professional world with the right perspective towards gender inclusion which will reflect at the workplace and at the domestic level.

The objectives of the department are as follows:

  1. Developing a gender sensitive approach among students and employees by conducting various lectures, training, workshops and community engagement initiatives.
  2. Developing a gender just environment in the college campus where students and teachers perform their duties without gender bias.
  3. Prevent gender discrimination and sexual harassment by promoting gender harmony among the students and employees.

Gender cell:

We work with various colleges in establishing gender cell and conduct various activities under this cell.

Pillars of Gender cell:

  1. Awareness lectures:
    • PoSH act
    • Legal rights for girls
    • Cyber security
    • Gender inclusion in various work sectors
  2. Workshops:
    • Gender sensitization
    • Understanding Third Gender (LGBTQIA)
  3. Training programs:
    • Gender sensitization
    • Functioning and scope of Sexual Harassment cell
    • Incorporating Gender responsive approach in the institute
    • Gender Audit
    • Policy framing and governance
  4. Credit course:
    • Gender sensitivity
    • Value education
  5. Competitions, Debates, Discussion forums
    • Posters, poetry, drama/street plays
    • Gender sensitive communication
    • Placements and Gender Bias
    • Approach towards Financial independence
  6. Community extension initiatives
    • Survey,
    • Street play,
    • awareness lectures
  7. Research:
    Survey on various topics related to Gender
  1. Seminar
    Social dynamics in India and the evolving approach towards Gender equality in line with sustainable development goals