
School Counseling

Under ‘Dilasa counseling Centre’ Baya Karve women’s study and research centre will run the school counseling program from June 2023 to March 2024 in MKSSS schools. The centre will provide services for schools of MKSSS’S as well as for other schools. Counseling centre will be a helping hand to the school in the process of overall personality building of the children. Experts of the counseling centre will work with in collaboration to the school to enhance the potential of the students. The counseling centre will work with students as well as teachers and parents.

Under the school counseling program counselor will organize different activities, games, competitions, workshops for students, teachers and parents. Also the program includes individual as well as group counseling. The individual counseling charges apart from MKSSS’s schools will be Rs. 590/ per session

Urmee Skill Enhancement Centre

Under Dilasa counseling Centre Urmee skill enhancement centre will work for the schools from June 2023 to March 2024. The centre will provide services for schools of MKSSS’S as well as for other schools from standard 1st to 10th. The centre will provide ability enhancement services to the children’s with special needs from MKSSS’s schools as well as other schools.

The centre will provide need based informal assessments as well as ability enhancement sessions for the students. The centre will help the students to deal with their learning difficulties. The centre will conduct one to one sessions so it will be helpful to give need based sessions to each and every student. The sessions will be conducted thrice in a week for one hour.

Project Medhavi

In the collaboration with the school and Baya Karve woman’s study and research centre’s Dilasa counselling centre, the centre will run project Medhavi for the school in education year 2023-2024.

The term high-ability is used to indicate high potential and/or performance across the full suite of human abilities. High-ability refers to students whose ability is more advanced than that of similar-aged peers across one or more domains. Project Medhavi will help these students to get more opportunity to embrace their skills.

Under the project 25 sessions in the year will be conducted. The duration of the sessions will be 1 and half hour for once in week. The charges for project Medhavi will be Rs. 5000/- per student.