Educational Training

Research shows that Gen Z that is the present generation in school and colleges is techno savvy, independent, pragmatic and collaborative. This generation is flexible and believes in non-hierarchical leadership.  At the same time the powerful digital tools are shaping their lives.  Hence, how to address this generation is the real concern of today’s educational experts and mentors. Training available at school and college settings may or may not suffice their needs. Some supportive parallel education system is required to be developed. The assumptions and problem statements are necessary to be reframed to create a platform for this generation where they can get training for self-management.   

Taking this view into consideration BKWSRC is in the process of designing and developing modules of training programs for the school and college students. 

Tentative list of Topics:

  1. Insight and vision for self-management
  2. Mental space management 
  3. Reaction vs. response 
  4. How to ‘let go’
  5. Feeling of missing out 
  6. feeling of better option
  7. Positive self-talk 
  8. Continuous innovation vs. continuous improvement 
  9. Like ok positions 
  10. Emotional intelligence 
  11. Social intelligence 
  12. Happiness Index  
  13. Life skill management 

Educational Training – completed projects 

  1. Study Skills workshops for 10th and 12th Std students – for MKSSS’s Mahilashram High School 
  2. Goal setting for 9th Std students – Muktangan English Medium School 
  3. Creativity skills for school children – for MKSSS’s Balgruha 
  4. Life Skills management for College Students – for Hostel students of Vidyarthi Sahayak Samiti 
  5. Creativity Skills for 8th and 9th Std Students – for Runanubandh Smastha