Awareness Campaigns


Engagement in community-based initiatives have always been an integral dimension of MKSSS’s Baya Karve Women’s Study and Research Centre. By community engagement, we mean studying the problems that matter to members of a community and providing services in collaboration with various NGO’s, Special purpose groups, Government officials etc. to the needy, in a variety of forms. The staff members and students of our unit are committed to the goals of community engaged education, research, and service.

Community Education

Projects based on awareness about various social issues like Gender Sensitization, Addiction, Violence against women etc., upskilling training and workshops for women, Enrichment activities for children and youth are conducted.

Co-curricular activities: As a part of their curriculum, our students work voluntarily in various projects and activities based on community education.

Internships: Our students work as interns in various projects and also contribute in content development such as designing training manuals, posters, developing short films, reels etc. in community education projects.

Action Research

Regarding research, we believe that working closely with communities helps us to do research on topics that matter to them.

In this regard, we motivate our students to pursue research that will be relevant and directly beneficial to the community by mapping community needs, exploring the causes of any issue, or contributing in solutions to the existing challenges.

Methodology of work

Acknowledging the importance of community wellbeing, we at MKSSS’s Baya Karve Women’s Study and Research Centre, focus on addressing Physical, Psychological and Social determinants of health. Social, behavioural and financial dynamics of the community are considered while designing interventions.

Support of documents published by the government is taken, and various surveys are conducted to understand the local needs and current situation of community health. Impact analysis is done periodically as a part of project review.

Awareness Campaigns

Rationale and Objectives of Awareness Campaign 
As the name says awareness campaigns are conducted to create awareness about a particular subject or issues which is unattended by the society. It is to raise and catch the attention of the public towards the issue. Such campaigns are aimed at reaching the maximum number of target segments and educate the audience to seek support for that particular issue. More Contacts and a strong network of volunteers and professionals can also be generated through campaigns. Such campaigns can have a lasting impact on the public, hence, it can be used as an initial strategy for introducing some subjects in the society.

BKWSRC organises campaigns in the following areas:

  1. Gender sensitization
  2. Mental health
  3. Awareness about Indigenous Nutrition

Details about the campaigns:

  1. Gender Sensitisation – In October 2021 BKWSRC in collaboration with SPPU’s National Service Scheme department, conducted a Campaign on Gender Sensitisation. In three months’ period the centre could reach more than 5000 students from 500 colleges of Pune, Ahmednagar and Nashik district. The subjects and issues covered in the Campaign were gender stereotyping, sensitisation about LGBTQIA+, gender equality and gender reciprocity.

Now, the campaign is a regular part of the academic calendar of many colleges.

  1. Mental Health Campaign – Every year in the month of October BKWSRC conducts Mental Health Campaign in Schools and Colleges. Raising awareness about various mental illnesses help students identify potential concerns and the ways to address these concerns. It also helps to reduce stigma around mental illnesses. At the same time this campaign creates awareness about various self help techniques, activities and methods for maintaining mental well-being.
  2. Nutritional awareness: To address the concern of women and infant health, the unit conducts awareness campaigns complaining topics such as understanding our body, understanding Nutritional needs, Food and hygiene, Healthy recipes etc. at community level.

Following are the activities which are undertaken by the centre during these campaign

  1. Social media engagement activities
  2. Poster exhibition
  3. Games and exercises
  4. Short trainings and workshops
  5. Competitions

We plan to launch various supportive initiatives and are open for collaborations under this banner